Regarding the website:

    I hereby confirm that the website and/or related works is fit for purpose and ready to be sent live. This authorisation includes all works conducted by SWiM Communications Pty Ltd and its agents. This work may include websites, social media, electronic direct mail, physical manifestations (eg printed matter or other). I confirm it has been inspected by authorised representatives in terms of relevant website code, design, content, security, function, privacy compliance and desired accessibility standards. I understand that technologies employed by SWiM Communications may be subject to terms and conditions imposed by the legal owners of those technologies and that these terms and conditions remain and are not circumvented or mitigated.

    I warrant that this fulfills all works requested including but not limited to work itemised in work plans, related emails and subsequent discussions. I understand that all legal liability for this work is assumed by my organisation, and that i have authority to confirm this acceptance and hence indemnify SWiM Communications Pty Ltd and its agents of any legal liability.

    I understand that SWiM Communications is not responsible for errors, corrections, or changes to the project after this point. Any changes to the project going forward may require additional work and be subject to SWiM Communication‚s current rates, or as outlined in the contract between the client and SWiM Communications.


    Authorised by:

    Email Address:

    A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided. Please confirm receipt of this email in order to complete go live authorisation requirements.

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